Economy - Discuss Japan

Archives : Economy

Economy, KUDO_Yasushi, Nos.13-15  Mar. 3, 2013

(NO CONFLICTS DESIRED) Japan and China Can Ill Afford to Be at Loggerheads

As China is gradually recovering its confidence as a major power, Japan has come to feel threatened by it both economically and militarily. While this is taking place in the context of China’s rapid economic growth, one wonders if the general assessment of the Chinese economy is an overestimation? In a recent discussion, Mr. Toshiya Tsugami and Mr. Tomoo Marukawa, both experts on the Chinese economy, were divided over the economy’s potential for growth. Meanwhile, they shared the view that both Japan and China are faced with various inherent problems in their respective economies and that they cannot afford to be wasting time in being at odds with each other over the issue of the Senkaku Islands.... [Read more]